Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Indices of Deprivation 2019 (IoD 2019) also known collectively as the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD 2019) is the measure of relative deprivation, which includes a wide range of indicators evaluating living conditions across England.

​It is important to note that deprivation differs from poverty.​

  • An individual can be considered to be living in poverty if they lack the financial resources to meet their needs.​
  • An individual can be regarded as deprived if they lack a broader range of resources, not just income. For example employment, access to services, and local living conditions. ​

​The IoD 2019 measures deprivation on a relative rather than an absolute scale, so a Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) or “neighbourhood” ranked 100th is more deprived then a neighbourhood ranked 200th, but this does not mean it is twice as deprived.​

​The IoD 2019 provides a place-based measure of deprivation. However it is important to recognise that this does not apply to every individual living within a particular area.

Greenwich IMD 2019